God Focused. We recognize the LORD God as Sovereign Lord and Creator of all that is, was and ever will be. He is the Absolute, Unchanging, Invisible God who has revealed Himself through Creation and Scripture, giving meaning to all that exists.
Bible Focused. We recognize the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, serving as the final authority by which we understand our Hebrew Israelite history, how we should live and serve our fellow-man.
Character Focused. We recognize the sinful nature of man and eagerly extend the gift of salvation through Christ, Yahshua. Through Bible classes, communal worship, and inclusive programs, you will be greater equipped and empowered to live a purpose-led - purpose-filled life led by God’s Word and Spirit.
Enabling Focused. We recognize that the Assembly is called to be the Messiah’s body in the community. We aim to create dynamic opportunities for our members to use their unique, God-given, spiritual gifts to serve and encourage not only the New Covenant Assembly, but the community at large.
Balance Focused. We recognize that ministry is a lifestyle -- a life-long commitment. We aim to provide our members as well as the greater community with the necessary resources and tools to develop sustainable habits which strengthen body, mind and spirit enabling us all to run the race of life with God-inspired strength and endurance.
Come, join us and let’s get to work!